Superbly Easy To Make Ginger And Orange No Bake Cheesecake

Superbly Easy To Make Ginger And Orange No Bake Cheesecake.

A ginger biscuit base, cream cheese, icing sugar and double cream filling topped with clementine pieces, yummy!!

Superbly Easy To Make Ginger And Orange No Bake Cheesecake

This ginger and orange cheesecake are so yummy and moreish!

How do I know?

As I ate most of it! It didn’t last long either. A day at max!! Ha!

I love cheesecake and today I am sharing this orange and ginger no-bake cheesecake recipe that is superbly easy to make.

I made last week and can not wait to make another.

It always surprises me how tasty cream cheese and icing sugar is together.

It should not work on paper but it tastes great.

Especially good with double cream added to make cheesecake.


How To Make A Superbly Easy To Make Ginger And Orange No Bake Cheesecake:

Serves 8-12

You Will Need:

125g Ginger biscuits

75g Butter

300g Full fat cream cheese

60g Icing sugar

1 tsp Vanilla extracts

250g Double cream

1 tsp orange juice

4 Clementines

Superbly Easy To Make Ginger And Orange No Bake Cheesecake

How To Make:

1.) First up, place the ginger biscuits into a food processor and blitz until they have turned to crumbs. Or simply place the biscuits into a food bag and bash with a rolling pin until all biscuits are crumbs.

2.) Pop the crumbs into a bowl. Gently heat the butter in a pan to melt or microwave the butter to melt it. Pour butter into the bowl slowly and keep mixing crumbs until all butter is mixed in.

3.) Line a 20 inch round loose bottom baking tin with greaseproof paper and spoon the crumbs over the bottom of the tin. Press down with the back of a spoon to even the bottom.

4.) In a bowl place the cream cheese, icing sugar, vanilla essence and orange juice and beat together.

5.) In another bowl, lightly whip the double cream until thicker but not too thick.

6.) Fold in the double cream into the cheese mixture.

7.) Spoon the cream mixture onto the biscuit base and smooth the top of the cheesecake straight.

8.) Pop into the top of the fridge to set for about 4 hours.


Superbly Easy To Make Ginger And Orange No Bake Cheesecake
Superbly Easy To Make Ginger And Orange No Bake Cheesecake

I am obsessed with making cheesecakes as I love them. I have to convince everyone to like them now so I can keep making some. Even the Husband who was not much of a fan is asking for cheesecake now.

Are you a fan of no-bake cheesecake?

What do you think of this Superbly Easy To Make Ginger And Orange No Bake Cheesecake?

Fancy making this ginger and orange cheesecake?

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Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Corina Blum
    6 December 2017 / 20:03

    Oh yummy! I love cheesecakes and this one looks so delightfully creamy and the ginger and clementines are such a good combination. I really need to make a cheesecake soon!

  2. Eb Gargano
    5 December 2017 / 20:54

    I am a HUGE fan of the no bake cheesecake…and in fact I make something very similar to this, on a base of ginger biscuits…but with lime instead of orange and mascarpone instead of cream cheese…and you have reminded me I still haven't blogged it!! Must rectify that one day soon. Thanks for linking up your gorgeous cheesecake to #CookBlogShare 😀 Eb x

  3. Donna Dundas
    5 December 2017 / 12:28

    Oh Yum. I've done ginger and lime, but never orange. Sounds awesome! #CookBlogShare

  4. Stephanie Robinson
    28 November 2017 / 22:12

    Ah this reminds me of one my mum used to make, I think she used to make it with tinned mandarins though and cover it in orange jelly slime – it was the 70s – loved it though!! Thanks for prompting that memory and for sharing with #PoCoLo xx

    • 29 November 2017 / 18:08

      I bet it tasted great Stephanie 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Debbie Roberts - Debs Random Writings
    26 November 2017 / 06:31

    Hi Claire, I am a lover of all cheesecakes! Baked or unbaked, I don't think I've ever had one that I've not liked. I've not had one with ginger though and this time of year, desserts that are quick to knock up are a lifesaver! Will be trying this for sure!xx

    • 28 November 2017 / 10:09

      Thanks Debbie. I love all kinds of cheesecakes too 🙂 Then again I love cake full-stop 😉

  6. Kim Carberry
    24 November 2017 / 19:11

    Ohh! I do like the sound of this! I am not a fan of cheesecake but my family love it x #PoCoLo

  7. Cindy D.
    24 November 2017 / 17:05

    This cheesecake looks delicious! I love no-bake recipes because they are easier to make. I love that this recipe uses ginger biscuits for the crust.- Natalie A.

    • 28 November 2017 / 10:06

      Thanks Cindy 🙂 I really liked the ginger base with the cream, nice and tasty.

  8. Mama Grace
    24 November 2017 / 11:38

    I love this. I love a non bake, it's a whip up. #PoCoLo

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