Trick Or Treat: Harley Quinn Halloween Look

Trick Or Treat: Harley Quinn Halloween Look. Happy Trick or Treat Wednesday!! So how are you today?

Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something nice to eat!! I think the rhyme goes like that!?

Now my children are older they do not want to go Halloween-ing anymore!! We stayed indoors this year and all had fun dressing up for Halloween at home instead of going trick or treating.

My children inspired me to dress up like this from something they watched on TV. The hubby made his up as he went along.

Harley Quinn Halloween Look.

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Trick Or Treat: Harley Quinn Halloween Look:

I did not want to get dressed up at first but my husband shown me a pictures of Harley Quinn as everyone seemed to be dressing up as her.

I went upstairs and got dresses up to surprised everyone.

Good job I keep a pile of old jeans for up cycling. I simply cut this pair into shorts and grabbed a few other things I had in my drawers already.

Can you believe we only had 1 trick or treater all night!! Think we scared that poor girl to death too!

I told her to take as many sweets as she liked, she just looked at me and said, no one is enough and ran back to her mum!! Haha.

Here are some photos from our night:

As you can see, mum and dad had more fun than the kids, LOL!!

Harley Quinn Halloween Look.
Harley Quinn Halloween Look.
Harley Quinn Halloween Look.

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Aren’t we a funny lot!? We have a box of candies to get through now!! Did you have a good Halloween? Did you get any trick or treat-ers?

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Dress Up

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Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Clairejustine oxox
    6 November 2016 / 17:21

    Hehe, we had so much fun, me and the hubby I mean 😉

  2. Stella Olojola
    5 November 2016 / 10:36

    Love the looks here. You look great Claire.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      6 November 2016 / 17:20

      Aww, thanks Stella 🙂

  3. Morgan Prince
    3 November 2016 / 23:10

    You look great Claire! I love your Hubby's t-shirt, I was going to get the same one for my Hubby! We took the boys trick or treating and they had a great time. Xx

    • Clairejustine oxox
      6 November 2016 / 17:19

      Thanks Morgan, aww mine use to love trick or treating 🙂

  4. Rachel
    3 November 2016 / 20:29

    That looks like a lot of fun! Our younger son is scared of all things Halloween but, if he wasn't, I would love to dress up and scare the trick or treat folk a little!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      6 November 2016 / 17:18

      Thanks Rachel, aww hope you get to dress up next year 🙂

  5. The Lazy Gastronome
    3 November 2016 / 13:49

    Great party!! Visited a few blog posts (some great stuff!), even found a couple of interesting ads – Thanks for hosting!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      6 November 2016 / 17:16

      Aww, that is great 🙂 Thank you ..

  6. indah nuria Savitri
    2 November 2016 / 22:06

    look who's having fun on Halloween night…lovely!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      3 November 2016 / 06:29

      Aww, thanks 🙂

  7. E
    2 November 2016 / 19:49

    Halloween at home looks so much more fun!(PS I spent it with an early night and snuggled on the sofa – we're too out of the way for trick or treaters)

    • Clairejustine oxox
      3 November 2016 / 06:29

      Whoo that sound lovely 🙂

  8. Little B And Me
    2 November 2016 / 19:42

    Fabulous costumes!!Love that you've taken part so nicely.I shall await your Christmas COSTUMES! x

    • Clairejustine oxox
      3 November 2016 / 06:28

      Thanks 🙂 Whoo I do love Christmas.

  9. Elise Von E
    2 November 2016 / 19:30

    Great photos and perfect Harley Quinn!xx,

    • Clairejustine oxox
      3 November 2016 / 06:27

      Aww, thank you Elise 🙂

  10. Sheela Goh
    2 November 2016 / 19:22

    OMG you are so cool!!! The one year we all dressed up, my husband was Count Dracula and I was the Queen B. My daughter, Katniss. My middle son, a Marshmallow robot. And my oldest, well, he didn't dress up GRIN

    • Clairejustine oxox
      3 November 2016 / 06:26

      Hehe, thanks lovely 🙂 I think we had more fun than the kids ..

  11. Jayne SMABL
    2 November 2016 / 19:07

    Haha! You all look ace! We hardly get any trick or treaters as we live out in the sticks lol. The kids had plentiful amounts of sweeties though! 🙂 x

    • Clairejustine oxox
      3 November 2016 / 06:26

      Thanks Jayne 🙂

  12. Rose Nika
    2 November 2016 / 15:06

    Such a great family ! Love that you all dressed upLife is just RosieInstagram

    • Clairejustine oxox
      3 November 2016 / 06:25

      Thank you Rose 🙂

  13. csuhpat1
    2 November 2016 / 14:30

    You guys all look great. Looks like your family had a wonderful time.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      3 November 2016 / 06:23

      Thanks Patrick 🙂

  14. Rhonda Albom
    2 November 2016 / 13:26

    Great dress up. How naughty to scare the little kiddies 🙂 . Sorry to hear that you had only one caller on the evening. As my kids might say, "more candy for us".

    • Clairejustine oxox
      3 November 2016 / 06:21

      Hehe, my kids were quite leased we only had on caller 🙂 They didn't need to go out and still did well…

  15. Summer
    2 November 2016 / 11:32

    Spooky and fun ♥

    • Clairejustine oxox
      3 November 2016 / 06:18

      Thank you 🙂

  16. Dean B
    2 November 2016 / 11:01

    You guys looked amazing! We usually go trick or treating with other kids and parents from T's school, but just as we were about to leave, T was sick all over her costume. There's been a tummy bug going around in T's school and it was her turn. Hopefully she'll be able to go back to school tomorrow.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      3 November 2016 / 06:13

      Thanks lovely. Aww no 🙁 Hope she is OK now Dean?

  17. Kristi Maloney
    2 November 2016 / 10:09

    Great family photos! I love your shoes…very cool. Our Halloween was low key, but still fun. 🙂

    • Clairejustine oxox
      3 November 2016 / 06:11

      Thank you Kristi, these are my favourite shoes 🙂

  18. Something About Baby
    2 November 2016 / 09:34

    Your outfit is great considering it was so last minute! We didn't celebrate Halloween this year as I was meant to be at work (but actually ended up being off sick!) but after seeing so many brilliant photos, I definitely think we'll get in on the action next year!!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      3 November 2016 / 06:10

      Thanks lovely. I do like to walk around and seeing all the effort people put into dressing their homes up. I really missed that this year..

  19. Mim Jenkinson
    2 November 2016 / 07:13

    Ha ha I love your last minute costume – you all looked awesome! I can't believe you only had one trick or treater – I had too many and we ran out of treats ha! x x

    • Clairejustine oxox
      3 November 2016 / 06:09

      Aww, thank you. I brought lots of sweets in thinking we would have a few but no one came 🙁 Never been in before as they use to love going trick or treating 🙂

  20. Christina Morley
    2 November 2016 / 05:46

    Samantha was also Harley Quinn this Halloween! I'm surprised only one kid came to your door. It's nice when all the neighborhood kids are walking around at the same time and there's a happy vibe – at least that's how I experienced it as an American kid, but we don't have trick-or-treating here in South Africa. Thanks for hosting!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      2 November 2016 / 06:53

      Thanks Christina, I think it was because we live up a quiet street with not many children living here. A bit off the path where all the houses dress up..

    2 November 2016 / 05:15

    Awesome customs and makeup dear Clear !Thank you for the inspiration.Happy November.FABBY

    • Clairejustine oxox
      2 November 2016 / 06:50

      Aww, thanks Fabby :):)

  22. Tamar SB
    2 November 2016 / 00:41

    You look so great! I live in a small apartment building, so no visitors for me ):

    • Clairejustine oxox
      2 November 2016 / 06:49

      Thanks Tamar 🙂

  23. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    2 November 2016 / 00:11

    Loving all of these fun Halloween family pics. It's nice you all got dressed up even though you stayed in.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      2 November 2016 / 06:48

      Thanks Heather, my kids love Halloween so we though it would be cool. Think they enjoyed it more 🙂

  24. vanity andme
    1 November 2016 / 22:51

    Good family fun ! Great photos. I'm trying to decide who looks more scary. You or the OH!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      2 November 2016 / 06:47

      Hehe, thanks Laurie 🙂