North Pier Blackpool: Holiday Fun At The Seaside

North Pier Blackpool: Holiday Fun At The Seaside. Hello friends.

North Pier Blackpool: Holiday Fun At The Seaside

North Pier Blackpool: Holiday Fun At The Seaside:

This week it has been cold and very rainy here. We have not had to the chance to do any outside adventures.

Darker nights are on their way.In from school then lazy nights before bedtime.

Reading, crafting and catching up on homework. I think we are slow this year adapting to the weather.

No much running. No Parkrun for a few weeks either a my husband has been working.

We have got to start getting out again now the rain has stopped!!

This week I am sharing some outside ventures from our holiday in Blackpool. Ones I forgot to post a few weeks ago.

Whoops. Or you could say I was saving them for a rainy day!?!

North Pier Blackpool: Holiday Fun At The Seaside

North Pier Blackpool: Holiday Fun At The Seaside:

North Pier Blackpool: Holiday Fun At The Seaside
Picture from the pier
North Pier Blackpool: Holiday Fun At The Seaside
over looking the beach
Kids on the peir
cheeky shoes selfie
Fun on the beach with the kids
North Pier Blackpool: Holiday Fun At The Seaside
North Pier Blackpool: Holiday Fun At The Seaside
North Pier Blackpool: Holiday Fun At The Seaside
North Pier Blackpool: Holiday Fun At The Seaside
North Pier Blackpool: Holiday Fun At The Seaside

North Pier Blackpool: Holiday Fun At The Seaside:

We just love Blackpool so much. Do you too?

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Ruby Tuesday: Blue Skies And A Dinosaur, Arrgg.

Firstly, some more fun set in Blackpool. Ruby Tuesday: Blue Skies And A Dinosaur, Arrgg.

Iā€™m a Celebrity : Get Me Out Of Here:

Secondly, I am looking forward to the new Iā€™m a series Celebrity which starts tonight.

Just for fun here is a few photos taken in Madame Tussauds a few years ago at Blackpool. Iā€™m A Celebrity : Get Me Out Of Here.

Telephone Boxes:

Thirdly, don’t ya just love red phone booths? Telephone Boxes: Red Payphones All In A Line.

Fun At The Top Of The Blackpool Tower:

Fourthly, a few days I found these photos on my phone. Photos I had forgotten about. Some I took from the top of Blackpool Tower.

All the way up at the top of the Tower. Fun At The Top Of The Blackpool Tower.

Its All About The Tower:

Fifthly, it is All About The Tower. Well the outfit and The Tower in this post is!!

Every year we like to go to Blackpool for a few days break. Something magical for us, about The Tower.

Who can see it first when arriving in on the train!?!Ā  Its All About The Tower.

Scooter Fun In Blackpool:

Last but not least, wow the weeks are spinning on by fast!!

Before we know it Winter will be here and I am only just recovering from the summer holidays.

Too much fun, food and not enough fitness!! Scooter Fun In Blackpool.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. pixiedusk
    19 October 2014 / 17:20

    I really love how you do this acitivity together always! Love the family love of running =) #countrykids

    • Clairejustine oxox
      20 October 2014 / 07:47

      Thanks lovely šŸ™‚

  2. Leovi
    19 October 2014 / 00:17

    Nice photos, I love those colors, wonderful site!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      20 October 2014 / 07:46

      Thanks Leovi šŸ™‚

  3. Laura CYMFT
    18 October 2014 / 18:19

    Love the Blackpool photos. It really is getting to that point in the year where you can't be bothered doing anything because it is so cold!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      18 October 2014 / 19:37

      Thanks Laura, whoo it is, especially when the clocks go back …

  4. Coombe Mill
    18 October 2014 / 10:48

    Autumn's truly set in and it's becoming difficult to fit in going out with the darker nights. It looks like you had a wonderful holiday, we had a brilliant summer! Thanks for linking up with Country Kids.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      18 October 2014 / 19:36

      Thanks Fiona, aww it turely has set in … thanks for hosting šŸ™‚

  5. Kezzie
    18 October 2014 / 08:32

    These do look beautiful! X

    • Clairejustine oxox
      18 October 2014 / 19:35

      Thanks Kezzie šŸ™‚

  6. Jo Laybourn
    18 October 2014 / 08:25

    What fab photo's. I've not been to Blackpool in years! Looks like you all had a fab time! #CountryKids

    • Clairejustine oxox
      18 October 2014 / 19:23

      Thanks Jo, we love Blackpool šŸ™‚

  7. SarahMummy
    18 October 2014 / 08:13

    Those photos are so beautiful. Love the black and white ones on the beach. I'm desperately trying to persuade my kids to give parkrun a go, but they're not keen!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      18 October 2014 / 19:22

      Aww thanks Sarah, hope they give it a go, they will love it šŸ™‚

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