The Runner: A Poem That My Dad Wrote For My Marathon.

My dad loves to write poems and wrote me one to help me get back into my running for the VLM 2014.
Loved it and thought I would share it.
The Runner: A Poem That My Dad Wrote For My Marathon:
I started off my run today, and went across the park.
Children playing on the grass, in the distance a dog did bark.
Carrying on, down the narrow lane, till I reached the wood.
Training hard for a Marathon, the peacefulness was good.
It’s not just lungs, and legs that hurt, I’ve learnt to deal with pain.
It’s that certain mental attitude, your mind has to attain.
I looked down at my trainers, pounding on the ground.
My heart, still beating steadily, and the pace, was good and sound.
As I left the wood behind, I felt an ice cold chill.
’cause I knew what was coming next, that steep and muddy hill.
I grit my teeth and focused hard, started that energy sapping climb.
My legs were drained and heavy, as my feet slipped in the slime.
This is where your attitude counts, there was no way I was going to stop.
I pushed, and pushed through all the pain, until I reached the top.
I remember feeling good inside, I had conquered that hill again.
Even though I was exhausted, and my legs were racked with pain.
Six miles down, four to go, before my end would be in sight.
Thinking just, how tired I was, and would sleep very well tonight.
Looking down, at my watch, I knew I’d done a decent time.
My body was getting tired, and I was covered in mud and grime.
The last two miles, were getting tough, but I would never give in.
Then I saw my house in the distance, and started kick on again.
As I reached front door… I put the key in to the lock…I pulled off my trainers and my dirty muddy socks.
While I was in the shower.
Washing the pain and dirt away.
I thought of the London Marathon, and how I would run that day.
Now it’s time to treat myself, to a cuppa and some cake.
Hoping tomorrow, I’m not too stiff, when eventually I awake.
Because even in the morning, if joints and muscles, are in pain.
I know, I’m so determined, I will do it all again.
The end
The Runner: A Poem That My Dad Wrote For My Marathon.
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What an absolutely cool dad you have!Debbie
What a fantastic poem! Your dad is amazing! Good luck with stepping up the training.
Thanks Sarah 🙂
well done! Congratulations!You have great Dad
Aww thanks Joanna 🙂
Aww thanks Joanna 🙂